Social Media Policy Creation | Crisis Planning | Emergency Services

social-media-policy-crisis-communicationYour brand’s reputation is fundamental to the success of your business – and your bottom line.

Without it, you have nothing.  We’ll work with your team to create solid social media policies and crisis plans for your organization that address your specific needs. A policy doesn’t restrict employee creativity, rather it encourages creativity and brand advocacy  while setting expectations and boundaries. Policies and protocol – and accompanying training – keep everyone on the same page. In the age of social media, it’s  more important than ever for employees and employers to be on the same page.

Social Media Policy Creation

Seek will work with you to create or strengthen your corporate social media policy. Set expectations for your social media team, employees, and C-suite to protect your brand. What can your employees post about your company on their personal accounts? Can you set limits as to what they say online about your company?

We’ll analyze any existing social media policies and, in partnership with the appropriate departments, (i.e. legal, HR, marketing), we’ll create social media policy and protocol. We’ll also develop an action plan for implementing your social media policy in your organization.

  • Review current social media policies
  • Consult representatives from HR, legal, communications, marketing and customer service
  • Review of social media screening policies for potential and current employees
  • Review of crisis management policies and practices
  • Establish clear guidelines so that employees know exactly what is expected regarding social media usage
  • Review of current social media policy training programs
  • Create social media communications flow chart for issue resolution
  • Provide basic social media policy template

Social Media Crisis Plan Creation

Whether internal or external, a crisis will happen at some point. In this age of digital communication, the crisis can grow exponentially in a matter of minutes (even seconds!). How your organization deals with it can make or break your brand’s reputation. Being proactive by having a crisis plan in place will help your team maintain resolve while putting out fires and communicating swiftly and appropriately with your audience.  You wouldn’t operate your business without an emergency plan and a social media crisis plan should be a part of that emergency plan.

We’ll work with your team to:

  • Determine what a crisis means for your organization
  • Define stakeholders’ expectations and the organization’s approach to crisis communications
  • Establish monitoring systems
  • Create an internal Crisis Management Team
  • Ensure your digital properties are equipped for a crisis
  • Train and rehearse with your team on various scenarios

Social Media Crisis Emergency Services

 In the midst of a crisis now? You need to act quickly and respond appropriately to protect your brand and minimize damage. If you don’t have a plan or your plan isn’t working, please give us a call at 713.454.7964 or shoot an email to immediately and we will help you control the damage.


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